Making your own homemade mead is easier than you think — no brewing experience required!


Mead, also known as “honey wine,” is an ancient alcoholic beverage made by fermenting honey with water and yeast. Its flavor and appearance can be enhanced with fruits, spices, or grains, creating endless varieties to explore.
The core ingredients—honey and water—are combined and fermented with yeast, which consumes the sugars and produces alcohol and carbon dioxide. The taste of mead varies based on the type of honey used and any additional ingredients added during the fermentation process.

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What is a hydrometer?

What is a hydrometer?

A hydrometer is a tool used to measure the density, or specific gravity, of a liquid. It’s typically a long, narrow glass or plastic tube with a weighted bulb at the bottom and a scale printed on the side. The scale is marked with numbers that correspond to specific gravity, which is a measure of how dense a liquid is compared to water.

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What is an auto siphon?

What is an auto siphon?

An auto siphon is a device used for transferring liquids from one container to another without the need for manual siphoning. It is commonly used in homebrewing and winemaking.

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What is a carboy?

What is a carboy?

A carboy is a type of glass or plastic container used in the process of making mead (and other fermented beverages) to store and ferment the mead. Carboys are cylindrical in shape, with narrow necks and typically hold between 1 to 6 gallons of liquid.

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What is an airlock?

What is an airlock?

An airlock is a small device used in the process of fermenting mead (or other fermented beverages) to allow gases to escape while preventing outside air from entering the container. Essentially, an airlock is a valve that allows carbon dioxide (CO2) to escape from the container, while also preventing oxygen (O2) from entering.

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